Echange Lycée Champollion / Cherwell School : Drama Workshop with Yasmin Sidhwah

lundi 8 avril 2019
par  Etienne Brunet

Mercredi 27 Mars au matin, nos élèves se rendaient au Cuttleslow Park pour participer avec joie, pendant trois heures, au Drama Workshop proposé par Jasmin Sidhwa de la compagnie du Mandala Theater. Voici quelques unes de leurs impressions...


« I had a good time with my friends, it was enriching, funny and unusual ! »

« Very funny ! If I could do it again, then, why not ? People were also nice because there was no mocking, fortunately ! I’ve always wanted to try a drama workshop in English, so my wish came true ! It was cool as I imagined, I felt freer, strangely… »
« I really liked it because it was really entertaining and really fun ! It really brought joy in my day and I also learnt a lot about myself and my friends. »

« This experience brought me a new reflection on the power of body language. »


« It was very interesting and fun and Yasmin was very nice and lively. Besides, we did not think about English because the main subject was our body and emotions. It helped me to get out of myself and stop thinking for a moment, so it was cool. »

« This experience brought me self-confidence. »


« It was really funny, and even though Yasmin spoke in English, we understood ! »

« It enabled me to discover the others’ personality. Also it brought me a lot of energy since it was in the morning and we were a little tired. »

« This experience gave me a chance to get a glimpse of what acting is, and how it is done. »

« It was great to understand how we can express emotions with our body. It gave me self-confidence. »

« It was interesting and fun. Everybody was serious and engaged so it was really great ! I did not know I liked drama ! I played and laughed with people I did not know so I met new people.
Pauline V

« It was cool because Yasmin was really friendly, the workshop was great fun ! Drama was a new experience for me and it brought me a new awareness of my body. »


« Yasmin was interesting and special. Her explanations were really clear and she was a good mentor for this exercice of body expression. I know myself better and I realized can express myself in front of other people ! »


Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre
Croquis de Lilie, Lucie, Mathilde, Pauline...

Ce projet est soutenu par le Lycée Champollion, la Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes et la Ville de Grenoble
